I have so many wonderful friends who take time to talk me through my inevitable over-analyzing and moments of complete confusion. I can't imagine what I'd do without them.
It's weeks like this that I need them most. You see, I tend to let myself fall for people that aren't necessarily right for me, and this time was no different. (Well, only slightly, because falling for a close friend only complicates everything. But that's neither here nor there. For the moment, anyway...) But even in the wake of hearing "I never cared as much as you do" or "I will never feel that way about you" I manage to always come slinking out of the trenches, crawl right back into the arms of my friends, always waiting there to take be back in, wipe off my tears, and remind me of what this whole thing is all about, in the first place:
Love. (And self love, at that.)
So as I sit here, a bit blue because of certain revelations, and I can't help but be absolutely astounded by how many great friends I have in this beautiful (though albeit, sometimes a bit emotionally treacherous) life of mine. And, how many people I have rooting me on along the way. I can't even begin to convey how much this means to me.
Lastly, to you: thank you.
Thank you so much for your support throughout the life of this blog. It's a blessing to have such wonderful support from so many wonderful people. And if you're struggling right now, know you aren't alone. And to soldier on, no matter how bleak things seem.
Because if you will, I will. Promise.
One moment at a time, dear ones. That's all we must do.
Some especially great words of wisdom that have been sent my way lately:
p.s. This on repeat.
How wild it was, to let it be.
— Cheryl Strayed
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